Fun learning resources for home and in the classroom!
You work hard to support kids in their spiritual growth and development. The Beginner’s Bible products can help – with vibrant art, text, stories, and language meant to excite and teach children six and under. Using the free, downloadable resources found below, bring the Bible to life at home, in the classroom, or at church.
Downloadable resources for use at home
Bible Character Sticker Sheets
Coloring Sheets
- Book (multi-paged)
- Sheet 01: Cover
- Sheet 02: Jesus with the children
- Sheet 03: Moses crosses the Red Sea
- Sheet 04: Adam and Eve in the garden
- Sheet 05: God made the world
- Sheet 06: Elephant helps Noah clean the Ark
- Sheet 07: Big fish spits Jonah onto the shore
- Sheet 08: The Good Samaritan helps the hurt man
- Sheet 09: The Good Shepherd finds his lost sheep
- Sheet 10: The Angel protects Daniel
- Sheet 11: Noah and the Ark
- Sheet 12: Baby Jesus is born
- Sheet 13: The True King
- Sheet 14: Heaven
- Sheet 15: Jesus is Risen
- Sheet 16: The Last Supper
- Sheet 17: Joesph’s Coat
- Sheet 18: Noah’s Ark
- Sheet 19: Mary and Joesph Travel
- Sheet 20: Angels Good News
- Sheet 21: Disciples In Storm
- Sheet 22: Queen Esther
- Sheet 23: John Baptizes
- Sheet 24: Mary Anoints Jesus
- Sheet 25: Mary Praises God
- Sheet 26: Servant Pours Water
- Sheet 27: Widows Offering
- Sheet 28: Jonah Swallowed
- Sheet 29: Sermon On the Mount
- Sheet 30: David and Goliath
- Sheet 31: Fiery Furnace
- Sheet 32: Jericho
- Sheet 33: Jesus Walk On Water
- Sheet 34: Loaves of Fish
- Sheet 35: Nebuchadnezzar
- Sheet 36: Sarah and Abraham
- Sheet 37: Sermon On the Mount
- Sheet 38: Solomon’s Temple
- Sheet 39: The Burning Bush
- Sheet 40: Honor the Lord
Search and Find
- Sheet 1: Jesus’ Resurrection
- Sheet 2: Joseph in a Well
- Sheet 3: Sing Praise
- Sheet 4: Obey and Pray
- Sheet 5: Remember to Say Thanks
- Sheet 6: I am Sorry
New Curriculum
Maze Activities
- Maze 1: Noah’s Ark
- Maze 2: Jonah & the Big Fish
- Maze 3: Mary & Joseph and the Manger
- Maze 4: Moses & the Ten Commandments
- Maze 5: Adam and Eve
- Maze 6: Jesus’ Birth
- Maze 7: Noah’s Ark
- Maze 8: Promise Land Pathway
- Read Together: Noah’s Ark
- Read Together: My Christmas Manger
- Read Together: Jonah & the Big Fish
- Read Together: Daniel & the Lions
Computer Wallpaper (instructions)
Connect the Dots
Cross Word Puzzles
- Sheet 1: David And Goliath
- Sheet 2: Jesus’ Resurrection
- Sheet 3: Noah’s Ark
- Sheet 4: Prodigal Son
- Sheet 5: Match it up
- Sheet 1: Jesus’ Birth
- Sheet 2: Jesus’ Birth
- Sheet 3: Jesus’ Resurrection
- Sheet 4: Loaves and Fish
- Sheet 5: Prodigal Son
- Sheet 6: Twelve Sons
- Sheet 7: Ten Rules
- Sheet 8: 12 Disciples